St John's Catholic Primary School

To Live in Love

Collective Worship - Stay and Pray 

We warmly invited our school families into school to share our Collective Worship with us. Our theme was, 'Unconditional Love'. 


In Year 6, we love to read. Adventure awaits.

What book are you reading at the moment?


 In History, we have been learning about what democracy is and how it has changed over the years. We have explored and researched back to the Middle Ages in 1066 through to today. 

Collective Worship in Year 6

We celebrate time together each day by sharing our Collective Worship. An opportunity to think of God, his presence, learn about stories from the Bible and to reflect whilst all being together. 


Our History topic is all about the Suffragettes and the Suffrage Movement. Children have been using their reading skills and their research skills to find out about what life was like for women before the 20th century. 

Did you know that women were treated like children and were seen as weak and incapable and not capable of making major life decisions! Boys and girls were treated differently: boys could learn maths, reading and writing, whereas girls had to learn how to cook, clean, needlework and how to look after the house. It was not a democratic society. Women were not even allowed to vote. 


We have been learning all about God's love and care in RE. In small groups, children did freeze frames to show their understanding of love and care for others. We learned all about the parable of the prodigal son. A story about unconditional love and forgiveness. 


In PHSE, we have been learning all about me. Thinking about how we are all unique and have different hopes and dreams. 

School Council Elections